Scotland’s Sounds Directory: Collection Information

This is a new online directory that represents collections from organisations participating in our network, Scotland’s Sounds. We hope this will help people to explore what sound collections exist and how to access them, as well as show the diversity and value of these rich collections to researchers, sound enthusiasts and the general public.

This is a work in progress a present, if you want your own sound collections to be a part of our directory please contact us to request a Collection Information form.


Scotlands Sounds - Collections

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There is currently 1 Entry in this directory beginning with the letter B.
Bells of Scotland

Sound Collections: Sound recordings of bells. Field-gathered actuality of ringing bells, recorded in context, across Scotland.
Number of items:currently 98 (as of 15/8/20)
Formats: Digital sound files.
Contents: Environmental sounds; Soundscapes; Bells; Churches; Community; Place.

Organisation Information:
The purpose of Bells of Scotland is to link the communities of Scotland, through the sounds of their bells. Within any community the sound of a bell can make someone feel a sense of place, and a collection of such sounds could create a collective sense of home for many people. This also works across the world, without language. Such sounds are unique in modern times, as they have been unchanged for many decades, as have the feelings associated with them. A communal sense of place, and belonging, recognisable to all.
Access to Collections: Online
Contact Details: