
Upcoming Events
We hold three Scotland’s Sounds network stakeholder meetings a year in locations across Scotland and hold other knowledge exchange and collaborative public events when possible.  Join our mailing list and be the first to find out the next meeting date.

BISA 2025: Sound Heritage Research & Innovation

15th and 16th May 2025, Manchester.

The British and Irish Sound Archives (BISA) invite colleagues who work with, hold or have an interest in sound collections to join us for two days of presentations, practical sessions, and discussions. This is an opportunity to meet and discuss with colleagues from across the UK and Ireland.

The conference will be hosted at Manchester Central Library.

A full programme will follow, but attendees can expect:

  • Tours of the library, sound archive and North West Film Archive
  • Practical sessions on how to buy and run analogue equipment (Iain Betson, AV Resilience) and data protection and oral history (Mary Stewart and Charlie Morgan, British Library)
  • Delia Derbyshire Archive inspired electronic music performance, Caro C & Zolatec
  • Presentations on the theme of research and innovation, including updates on current sound archive projects from across the UK
  • The launch of our new Network Platform
  • BISA Annual General Meeting

Tickets are now available at the link below:

BISA 2025: Sound Heritage Research & Innovation Tickets, Tue 15 Apr 2025 at 10:00 | Eventbrite